Julien Lancha, Advizzo’s Chief Customer Officer, has been welcomed onboard CEOs for Electrification, a newly formed US based coalition of companies brought together by Rewiring America, that support electrification and are committed to working together to accelerate market transformation.

The coalition is a way for business leaders to come together to exercise civic leadership, learn best practices and help shape the local and national conversation around climate change.

About 40 percent of climate harming emissions come from decisions Americans make around the kitchen table: from the types of cars we drive, to how we heat and cool our homes, heat our water, cook our food, and dry our clothes. If we add our businesses, that number grows to over 60 percent. So much policy is focused on energy supply — but it really is the machines on the demand side that we now must change.”

Ari A. Matusiak, CEO, Rewiring America.

CEOs for Electrification pledge to make electrification core to their business, developing plans to convert their companies’ energy sources and the machines they use to clean electricity, finding ways to educate and reward employees who make the switch at home and at work and investing in products, businesses and technologies that enable the market transformation needed for widespread electrification. They will use their voices in their industry sector, with customers, with the news media, and with policy makers to support and educate about the immense benefits of electrifying everything.

Julien Lancha commented,

Advizzo is on a mission to help drive home decarbonization. Our  focus is emissions reduction through electrification, as well as helping families save energy on their bill as well as reducing their carbon footprint.”

Visit ceosforelectrification.org for more information.

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