Future of Utilities Let us help you identify customers eligible for the WaterSure scheme COVID-19 and subsequent lockdowns have hit people’s finances hard across…Julien Lancha18 May 2021
Future of Utilities Why a user-led customer experience is key for sustainable growth Customer loyalty is hard to earn, but easily lost. According…Julien Lancha18 May 2021
Future of Utilities Boosting water and energy companies’ journeys to Net Zero The UK has set a world-leading Net Zero target, and…Julien Lancha17 May 2021
Future of Utilities Why nudging and empowering customers is critical to energy transition In 2019 the publication of the Climate Change Committee (CCC)…Julien Lancha17 May 2021
Future of Utilities Helping Welsh Customers to Reduce Water Consumption A recent report published in the Powys County Times warns…Julien Lancha17 May 2021
Future of Utilities How Advizzo’s behavioural insights can help your CRM team to improve customer engagement To date our blogs have focussed on the multiple benefits…Julien Lancha17 May 2021
Future of Utilities Interview with Dragan Savic, Advizzo’s Hydroinformatics Adviser Read our interview with Dragan Savic, Advizzo’s Hydroinformatics Adviser, to…Julien Lancha12 April 2021
Future of Utilities Supporting Water UK’s net zero routemap On 12th November 2020, Water UK launched the Net Zero…Julien Lancha18 March 2021
Future of Utilities How behavioural science can support smart meter deployment Thanks to delays caused by the pandemic and getting fully…Julien Lancha18 March 2021
Future of Utilities Build Versus Buy – why buying Advizzo’s off-the-shelf solution is a no brainer! Before they knock on our door, many energy suppliers and…Julien Lancha18 March 2021